

Moving Beyond Multi-Track Diplomacy and Big Man Mediation
Being in the Middle By Being at the Edge
Cambodia Reconciliation
The Freedom to Decide Our Future
Islamic Leadership for Political Change
Negotiating Peace
Re-examining Ethnic Identity in Myanmar
Beyond the Peace Table: Reflections on The GPH-MILF Peace Process
Strengthening Understanding Through Dialogue
Strengthening Understanding through Dialogue: A Peacebuilding Approach to the Korean Peninsula Conflict
Struggle For Peace
Struggle for Peace
CPCS Dialogue Facilitation Handbook
CPCS Dialogue Facilitation Handbook
War Was a Curse. We Can Live in Peace. Resilience and healing in Sri Lanka.
War Was a Curse. We Can Live in Peace. Resilience and healing in Sri Lanka.


CPCS produces practitioner-focused research and publications in the field of applied conflict transformation. Produced together with our regional partners, these publications and papers seek to:
  • promote creative, innovative and home-grown approaches to conflict intervention in Asia;
  • make important and contextually relevant resources accessible for peace practitioners and scholars in the Asia region and beyond;identify, consolidate and share peacebuilding best practices by testing and challenging them; and
  • contribute and influence the existing body of conflict transformation knowledge.

Through our publications, we seek to share the lessons learned regarding where we work, the people we work with and the way that we work.