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Dr. Kathryn Poethig
Dr. Poethig is currently an Associate Professor of Global Studies at California State University, Monterey Bay. She has lived and worked in Southeast Asia for over thirty years. Her work has included research on the dual citizenship in Cambodia and the Dhammayietra, the annual peace walk in Cambodia, as transnational example of engaged Buddhism. Dr. Poething has also examined Filipino feminist theologians’ frameworks for ‘just peace’ for both Communist and Muslim insurgencies in light of the US war on terrorism.
Currently, she serves on the boards of Summer Interfaith Institute for Justice, Peace and Social Movement in Vancouver, Canada and the People’s Forum on Peace for Life, a Global South-based Muslim-Christian initiative resisting Empire and militarised globalisation. She is on the steering committee of the new Muslim-Christian Feminist Alliance. Through Peace for Life, Dr. Poething has joined delegations to the World Social Forum in Nairobi (2007), Nepal (2006), WTO in Hong Kong (2005), Philippines (2002), and has led study groups to Cambodia/Vietnam (1992), and to the NGO Forum of the 4th U.N. Conference on Women in China (1995). Dr. Poethig is a candidate for ordination in the Presbyterian Church USA and currently on the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) and Peace Discernment Steering Team.
Sitting between Two Chairs.” In Expressions of Cambodia: The Politics of Tradition, Identity and Change, eds. Leakthina Ollier, and Tim Winter, New Jersey: Routledge Press, Fall 2006.
“Sisterhood After Terrorism: Filipino Ecumenical Women and the U.S. Wars,” In Interventions: Activists and Academics Respond to Violence, eds. Elizabeth Castelli and Janet Jakobsen, New York: Palgrave Press, 2004.
“Locating the Transnational in Cambodia’s Dhammayiatra.” In History, Buddhism, and New Religious Movements in Cambodia, eds. John Marsten and Elizabeth Guthrie, Honolulu: University of Hawai’i , 2004.
“Building Peace in Cambodia: Religious Initiatives 1992-2001.” In Partnerships for Social Justice: World Bank and Other Development Institution Experience in Working with Faith Groups on Development Challenges, Volume One, Development Dialogue
“Visa Trouble: Cambodian American Christians and their Defense of Multiple Citizenships,” in Religion and Globalization: Case Studies and Theory. ,eds. D. Hopkins, D. Batstone, E. Mendieta, and L. Lorentzen, Duke University Press, 2001.