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Bridget Walker from Oxford in the UK, has spent much of her working life in international development in the non-governmental sector. She has lived and worked in Cameroon and Sudan in Africa, and travelled widely in Asia and the Middle East. During her time with Oxfam GB she initiated and edited a journal, Focus on Gender, now known as Gender and Development. For seven years she worked at Responding to Conflict (RTC), an independent conflict transformation NGO, based in Birmingham, UK. During her time at RTC, Bridget was a contributor to the manual, Working with Conflict: Skills and Strategies for Action and coordinated the editing and production of Transforming Conflict: Reflections of Practitioners Worldwide, an anthology from members of the global network of Action for Conflict Transformation. Her work for Action Asia has included a report of the third Action Asia Peacebuilders’ Forum, held in Siem Reap, Cambodia in 2010 Transforming our Woundedness for Peace: Voices from the Frontline. Bridget also contributed to the CPCS tribute volume: No Failure in Peace Work: The Life and Teaching of Dekha Ibrahim Abdi. She furthermore carefully reviewed and edited the second edition of the Dekha book and wrote a new article on her work with Dekha for this new edition.
Since retirement she has become more closely involved in asylum and refugee issues in the UK and has co-authored with Bill MacKeith two reports (see publications).
(with Bill MacKeith) Still a Travesty: Justice in Immigration Bail Hearings (2013)
CPCS tribute volume:
No Failure in Peace Work: The Life and Teaching of Dekha Ibrahim Abdi, November 2012
(with Bill MacKeith) Immigration Bail Hearings: A Travesty of Justice? Observations from the Public Gallery (2011)
Transforming our Woundedness for Peace: Voices from the Frontline, report of the third Action Asia Peacebuilders’ Forum, held in Siem Reap, Cambodia in 2010.