Peace is Living with Dignity: Voices of Communities from Myanmar’s Ceasefire Areas in 2016

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Peace is Living with Dignity: Voices of Communities from Myanmar’s Ceasefire Areas in 2016

 Publisher: CPCS  Published: January 1, 2016  ISBN: 13:978 99963 856 4 3  Country: Myanmar  Language: English More Details

Peace is Living with Dignity showcases the second round of CPCS’ project listening to communities and their experiences with the peace process in Myanmar. Utilising CPCS Listening Methodology, the project aims to amplify the voices of people in ceasefire areas of Myanmar to inform and influence decision-makers in the peace process. Engaging communities in the same six states (Kachin, Northern Shan, Southern Shan, Kayah, Kayin, and Mon States) as the first round, this publication presents the opinions and experiences of community members with the on-going peace process, their daily challenges, and their hopes for the future based on 459 conversations with 1,663 participants in 2016.

The publication is divided into ten chapters. Chapter 1 contains the introduction and conflict context, as well as the summary of main findings across all of the states. The chapter also covers comparison between the first round of the project in 2015 and the second in 2016. Chapter 2 outlines recommendations based on the findings for key stakeholders. Chapter 3 explains listening methodology and how it was used to gather the data. Chapter 4 contains the experiences and reflections of the listeners that conducted the conversations with community members of each community. Finally, Chapters 5 to 10 are devoted to in-depth discussions of the main themes identified in the six areas covered by the research.

