Making Peace in Their Own Words: People of Myanmar’s Peace Process

Making-Peace-28.09.29-page-001-213x300 (1)Making Peace in Their Own Words: People of Myanmar’s Peace Process

Author: Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies (CPCS)
Published by: CPCS
Publication Date: October 2015
ISBN: 9789996381775

Published by the Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies (CPCS), Making Peace in Their Own Words: People of Myanmar’s Peace Process presents an interwoven narrative of the views, origins and life experiences of key individuals from different sides of the negotiation table that have played leading roles in the peace talks.

It tells the Book_Making Peace - Burmese_for Web-page-001story of a group of people who embarked on a common journey without knowing how would it end and invites readers to accompany these peacebuilders, who, for a long time, opposed each other in their quest for a common vision.